World Mental Health Day

Community Health Promoter conducting Mental Health Education during home visits

This year, for World Mental Health Day, we want to shine a light on the remarkable work being done by HopeCore to promote mental health through their youth program and school health program.

1. Destigmatizing Mental Health

One of the most significant reasons World Mental Health Day matters is its role in breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health. Despite growing awareness, many individuals around the world still hesitate to seek help for their mental health issues due to fear of judgment or discrimination. Every day at HopeCore, our Youth Center is a safe space for youths to enter and socialize, learn personal and professional skills, and be educated on topics around health and mental health.  

2. Raising Awareness

Mental health conditions affect millions of people globally, and yet, they often go unnoticed or unaddressed. At HopeCore we provide all of our 1265 Community Health Promotoes with critical education on various topics of Mental Health. These Community Health Promoters then go out into their communities and educate on the importance of Mental Health and provide resources and available services for anyone suffering from mental health challenges. 

By raising awareness, HopeCore is working to educate our region in Kenya about the prevalence of mental health issues and the importance of early intervention and support.

3. Promoting Access to Care

In many parts of the world, access to mental health care remains a challenge. This is also true for rural areas of Kenya. At HopeCore we are working diligently to improve the access to mental health services and training of our healthcare workers on mental health topics. We have educated 744 CHPs on Mental Health. The CHPs educate household members on mental health. At the youth center, we counsel youths who share any mental health challenges. We also educated school children on stress management. We are dedicated to highlighting the need for investment in mental health infrastructure, ensuring that everyone can receive the care they deserve.

4. Encouraging Self-Care and Well-Being

World Mental Health Day reminds us all that mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being. At HopeCore, we encourage our staff and our clients to take proactive steps to care for their mental health, whether it is through movement, mindfulness, or family and social activities. We teach that prioritizing mental well-being should not be reserved for a specific day but should be a year-round commitment.


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Why HopeCore? by Ari Rasori