Health Outreach in 2011

What a year! 2011 was a great year for Village Hopecore, filled with new programs and new ways of engaging the community in poverty eradication. Our School Mobile Clinic completed 55 mobile clinics, provided health services to 4,441 patients, and educated 8,724 students about health. In our malaria prevention program, we educated 559 loan recipients about malaria, distributed 4,414 mosquito nets, conducted 1,932 malaria tests, and treated 491 people for malaria. Our youth peer educators reached 2,458 members of the community with messages about HIV prevention, drug and alcohol abuse, self-esteem, gender-based violence, and HIV stigma through monthly community outreach events. They distributed condoms and various health education materials at community events and schools. We’ll be training a new group of peer educators in early 2012. A big thank you to our staff, volunteers, and donors who made all these activities possible. We’re looking forward to continuing this great work in 2012 and sharing it with you.


Murimi Group


Why I Believe in HopeCore